Brin and Megan - An Adventure of a Lifetime

Friday, December 29, 2006

East Coast Tasmanian Road Trip: December 26th-29th, 2006

On Boxing Day Gai drove us into town so we could pick up our newly rented car, which we named Ernie. Ernie was a bit of a sketchy lass, as she made funny noises and her fuel gage didn't work. However, we figured she would do the trick and we were on our way!

First Stop: Port Arthur.
Port Arthur is a small town and former convict settlement on the Tasman Peninsula. It is one of Australia's most significant heritage areas and officially Tasmania's top tourist attraction. From the 1833 until the 1850s, it was a destination for the hardest of convicted British criminals, those who were secondary offenders having re-offended after their arrival in Australia.

We arrived at P.A. around 5pm on Boxing Day, and after setting up camp, we made our way over to the P.A historic site where we took part in an evening Ghost Tour. It was a bit freaky the stories we heard, and we left the place feeling a bit spooked!

We returned the next morning for a day tour and harbour tour, and to take a stroll around the place ourselves. Very interesting history, and we enjoyed it very much.

Second Stop: Remarkable Cave
From P.A we headed south to check out another tourist attraction, the Remarkable Cave. This is a cave that has been formed by erosion from the ocean. It was...remarkable.

Next Stop: Coles Bay
We arrived in Coles Bay on the evening of the 27th. The next morning Ernie decided to blow her water pump as we were making our way up to a lookout point. As a result, she had to get towed to the next town to get fixed. We arrived back in C.B. around five, and spent the rest of the evening checking out the Wineglass Bay lookout. It was a fantastic view, and we greatly enjoyed the climb up to see it.

The next morning we took part in a morning Kayak, with Frecinet Adventures. We had a great time out on the water, and learned some more history about the area as well.


Blogger ChelseyP said...

Wow, crazy how much I've missed in the last little while!! Good to see you guys are still keeping busy and having a great time!! Cheers to the new year and all the adventures coming your way!! Take care for now and have the best time ever. <3 P.S. You guys are taking awesome pictures!!

9:22 AM  

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